Digital technologies have changed and impacted virtually every facet of human life, including how we learn, work, conduct businesses, and even out political processes. The capacity of digital technology to change lives, economies, cultures, and societies is universally accepted. From the development of mobile phones to the advent of the internet, digital technology disruptions have enhanced the field of communication, making it easier for people to create and access content seamlessly. This includes the ability to control communications and make interpersonal communications more effortless.
Communication has grown increasingly visual, and specifically more video-based, as a result of digital technologies. The development of mobile gadgets with advanced camera features, coupled with high-speed internet, has enabled the instant transmission of breaking news and global events to millions of people. This means news and information containing more details than previously possible can travel faster and cover more distance. For example, information about and video from the Beirut explosion reached millions worldwide within minutes of the blast in the Lebanese capital, killing more than 200 people.
Digital technologies have also provided new resources to help individuals socialize in the workplace and develop new skills. This is especially important for communication professionals, including journalists and reporters, whose productivity is hinged on staying connected with colleagues. These tools have also made learning new skills easier by making resources more accessible.
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