Sunday, October 9, 2022

We go together like Apple and Music

Before iTunes, music was different. Buying a song meant walking into a brick-and-mortar store and buying a physical record or CD. All of that has changed.

iTunes not only made it easier to find the music you wanted to hear, but it also made it easier to buy. Today we're used to digital content marketplaces, like the App Store and the Google Play Store, but that idea of centralizing and distributing content entirely online started with iTunes. It helped us transition from an analog music world to today's digital music landscape.

With iTunes, you no longer had to buy a whole album to hear a single song. That meant you could get the songs you wanted and get them for a lot less money. Consumers loved it. But because so many people were starting to buy individual songs and ignoring albums, the music industry was forced to adapt. That meant releasing more singles and shifting the focus away from albums and longer projects.

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